Dissertation Projects

Current dissertation projects

The Development of Early Modern Timber Constructions of Wide-Span Roofs in French-Speaking Switzerland

Temple de la Fusterie, Genenva. Kira Kulik

by Kira Kulik

Dome constructions of the 17th and 18th centuries along the Inn, Salzach, and Danube

by Jozef Merx

Historic timber bridges of Switzerland as architectural heritage in the context of its building, use and significance history

by Lea Hirschfelder

Romanesque Burgundy: The development of vaulting and masonry construction in the 11th and 12th centuries

by Marius Pfister

The Cathedral of St. Pierre in Lisieux in the Context of Early Gothic in France

by Mathias Häcki

The Building History of medieval high-masonry bridges in the Mediterranean area

by Grazia Cione

Low multiple-arch river-crossing masonry bridges during the Middle Ages

by Laura Carmona López

The development of wide-span timber structures in the 19th century

by Kylie Russnaik

Completed dissertation projects

Le Sovracupole Lignee Della Basilica Di Sant’antonio A Padova: Analisi Costruttive E Datazioni (Diss., 2022)

by Martina Diaz

Ein Landkirchenschema für das Dach? Entwicklungen im Dachwerksbau über katholischen Saalkirchen von 1600 bis 1850 (Diss., 2022)

by Martin Gantner

Dachkonstruktionen: Die Entwicklung frühneuzeitlicher Holztragwerke zwischen 1650 und 1850 im reformierten Kirchenbau (Diss., 2021)

by Jasmin Schäfer

Backstein-Rohbau im Zeitalter der Industrialisierung (Diss., 2021)

by Wilko Potgeter

Roofs Over the Action: Theatre Construction in France from 1780 to 1862 (Diss., 2021)

by Katerina Chalvatzi

Conception et Confection: Une histoire matérielle du revêtement céramique des immeubles parisiens (1900-1914) (Diss., 2021)

by Valentin Gillet

Gewölbebau der Spätgotik in Graubünden (Diss., 2020)

by Manuel Maissen

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