Friday Colloquium "Gothic Vaults"
In the next Friday Colloquium on 26 January 2018 in the Semper Aula, we will focus on the planning, production and execution of Gothic and late Gothic vaults.
Project "Sichtbackstein in Zürich (1884–1914)"
The Institute of Historic Building Research and Conservation is starting a new research project on visible brick in Zürich from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century. The project is supported by the Stiftung zur Förderung der Denkmalpflege and is planned for the year 2018.
European Heritage Days 2017
The European Heritage Days are the most widely celebrated participatory cultural event shared by the citizens of Europe.
Society for Construction History
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan M. Holzer has been elected chairman of the Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte (Society for Construction History) as the successor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lorenz.
Inaugural Lecture
Steinschnitt, Schlaudern, Flosskeile: Eine Unterhaltung mit Baudenkmälern - oder: Was ist und wozu brauchen wir Bauforschung und Konstruktionsgeschichte?
SNF-Project granted
The Swiss National Science Foundation granted Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan M. Holzers research proposal on the "Evolution of the wide-span timber roof in northern and central Switzerland 1600-1850" over the next four years.