Friday Colloquium "Gothic Vaults"
In the next Friday Colloquium on 26 January 2018 in the Semper Aula, we will focus on the planning, production and execution of Gothic and late Gothic vaults.
The art of vaulting reached its climax throughout Europe with the figured vaults of the late Gothic period. The rich ribbed vaults offered the stonemasons an opportunity to demonstrate their geometric knowledge and craftsmanship, but in addition to the aesthetic effect, the fine-meshed ribbed nets facilitated the vaulting of the webs without formwork. The design and construction of the vaults required efficient production organization and precise coordination of the individual manufacturing processes. In the first Friday Colloquium in 2018 of the Institute of Historic Building Research and Conservation (IDB) at the ETH Zürich, various experts will report exemplarily on detailed examinations of the late Gothic vaulting practice and offer us in-depth insights into these exciting constructions and contribute to a deeper understanding of the long-forgotten knowledge traditions in the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
In order to be able to plan the aperitif properly, we kindly ask you to register until the 19th of January 2018 on the German version of our website.