Friday Colloquium: Standards versus Monuments

The next Friday Colloquium of the Institute of Historic Building Research and Conservation will examine the dispute over current standards for the restoration of historical monuments on the one hand, and the preservation of their non-compliant testimonial values on the other.

"Building standards must not be applied to monuments without a thorough investigation. On a case-by-case basis, it must be considered whether compliance with a standard must be dispensed completely or partially, or whether the objective of the standard can be achieved by other suitable measures", as written in the Guidelines for the Preservation of Monuments in Switzerland (2007). But what does reality look like? To what extent are standards mandatory to be applied and which approaches to solutions have been successfully implemented in practice for historical monuments?

As we are only allowed to admit a maximum of 99 people to the Semper Aula for fire protection reasons, registration is obligatory. Without confirmed registration, no admission can be granted if the event is fully booked.

Registration on the German version of our website

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