Conference registration opened

From now on you can register for the conference "The Challenge of Wide Span" on 27 and 28 June 2019 in the Siemens Auditorium (ETH Hönggerberg).

The conference will bring together experts from all over Europe to discuss the medieval origins and the early modern development of “proto-engineering” timber structures bridging large spans in Switzerland and beyond, i.e. in a European perspective. Results from an on-going research project on wide-span Swiss timber roofs (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and presented in 5 lectures) will be confronted with the appropriate international context.  

The final programme, further information on the participation packages offered and the link to the registration form can be found on the conference website

The conference is limited to 130 participants, 30 of whom will take part in excursions. The registration deadline is 31 May 2019.

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