5th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte

The annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte will be hosted in collaboration with the IDB in Zurich on 10-11 June 2021.

Enlarged view: Poster Jahrestagung

Material-appropriate constructions are regarded as a goal and a challenge in the construction industry. Many historical constructions are "materially appropriate" - from ancient Roman opus caementicium vaults with a graduated use of light and heavy aggregates to the classic Polonceau roof made of wood, cast iron and wrought iron. But how does one know that a construction is appropriate for the material? Are empirical knowledge of the material as well as elementary skills in analysing a planned structure already sufficient?

The annual conference will take place in hybrid form. It is planned that the speakers will give presentations on site and the conference will be broadcast as a digital livestream (registration free of charge). The final decision on the form of the annual conference will be made and communicated at the end of April 2021. Registration will be possible from the beginning of May 2021.

Further Information:

Download Programme flyer as PDF (PDF, 1.3 MB)

external page Website of the Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte

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