CFP: Annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte
The fifth annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte on the topic "Materialgerecht konstruiert?!?" will take place in Zurich from 10 to 12 June 2021. The Call for Papers is now open.
Material specific constructions are considered to be the goal and challenge in the building industry. Many historical constructions are "material specific" - from ancient Roman opuscaementicium vaults with graded use of light and heavy aggregates to the classic Polonceau roof made of wood, cast iron and wrought iron. But how do you know that a construction is suitable for the material? Are empirical knowledge of the material and elementary skills for the analysis of a planned supporting structure already sufficient?
The conference will examine the question of how material-specific construction has developed from the beginnings of building up to the 20th century. Both case studies of concrete objects and contributions to the history of engineering science are welcome, as well as modern critical assessment of the effective "material adequacy" of historical constructions.
All interested are requested to send an abstract of no more than 300 words on the conference topic or on reports from current research (see CFP) and a short curriculum vitae to by July 31, 2020. It is planned to publish the conference contributions.